Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And then there was Santa Claus!

And then Santa came! Jacob asked for Transformers, Katie for "I Don't Know" which Santa said he wasn't sure what that was but would try to get it for her!! Rachel asked for a real dog! Yea, like that will happen!! And Christopher just sat on his lap so he could get the bag of candy! The kids had a blast and spent a lot of time outside playing on the trampoline or playing football. Ron and I enjoyed visiting with everyone. Uncle Robby had all 8 of his kids there, Aunt Edra had 2, mom had me!, Uncle Mack had 3 and Aunt Lynette had 1. So out of 31 cousins there was 15 of us there. I couldn't believe how many people were there as it was-I can't even imagine what it would have been like if all cousins and there kids were there!! Whew!-Mom (Grandma) has a very large family!
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1 comment:

jarvid14 said...

What a fun party. I can't believe that they even have Santa come. Hope the kids had a great Christmas. Hope you had fun with Britni in Florida.