Sunday, February 22, 2009

Syd Turns Two on Feb. 20th

She sang along when we sang "Happy Birthday."

She loved her gifts and has been having lots of fun with them.


lytj said...

How fun that you can all get together to celebrate special times. From the pictures, we can tell that there are only getting to be grownup grandchildren!

Anonymous said...

I thought about Syd when we celebrated Garrett's fun that they are so close!

She sure is a cutie!!

lytj said...

I forgot to say, by the way, that I DO LOVE 2 year olds. They are adorable at that age and you thrill with them at ever new thing they learn.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Syd! Dang I hate that we have to miss all these FUN birthdays!! Sydney is just as cute as ever! Tell her Aunt Jana, Uncle Ron and all her cousins love her and wish her a late happy birthday!! Jana

Jaime said...

We wish her a LATE happy birthday too! I just wanted to let you know that her 2 year old pics were adorable, of course! Thanks for sending one too!